The Fiss-Ladis Ski School is an international team, comprising around 200 regular instructors from Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Australia, Japan, and more. During peak times, our team consists of around 400 instructors.

To effectively manage and coordinate a team of this size, a leadership team is required that meets all responsibilities both professionally and personally.

Head of department - assistance team

Skischool Director

Martin Stark

Vice Skischool Director

Christian Rietzler

Head of department - assistance team

Supervisor Adults & Private Lessons

Johannes Rietzler

Supervisor –
Beginner Children

Eva Stark

Supervisor –
Advanced Children Fiss

Andreas Schmid

Supervisor Snowboard

Günter Rietzler

Head of department - assistance team

Berta's Kinderland

Kathrin Ganahl

Children Advanced Fiss

Patrick Spiecker


Chris Pale

Head of department - assistance team

Management –
Marketing & Sales

Gabriel Geiger

Management –
Staff and IT

Thomas Tschiderer


Corinna Pregenzer